Background Blue/green

Why Anna Berry Design?


This is something I try to do daily, yet I struggle as life gets busier and busier.  Things often get overwhelming, and so I am blessed to have people in my life that gently remind me that some times less is more, and to simplify relieves stress.  So I try to wake up everyday with the motto to simplify.

One of the ways I try to do this is by getting creative with what I already have. Having 3 kids, I am overwhelmed some times at all the stuff we seem to "have to have." Every holiday or birthday we just get more of that "have to have" stuff. Our closets are running over and instead of buying new,  we need to use what we already have~ and recycle.  

The idea of Anna Berry Design comes from recreating what we already have... Redoing our old things and making them new again.  Everywhere you turn the idea of going green is advertised ~ from the cars we drive to the recycled Starbucks cup I use almost everyday to the reusable grocery bag that I always have when I leave my house.     

Since we are all trying to do our part, we can also look at what we already own and recreate to use again.  Do you have things that just need a little "redo" to make them beautiful?  Before you dispose of those things, let Anna Berry Design look at what you have and see what we can make new again!